These few days, I am tired...
For alot of reasons..
I've reading a new book titled“25Ways to win with people”by John C MaxWell
I've done stupid things,stepped on toes, and hurt people's feelings.
But i've always tried to do my best.
And i'm still working daily to improve my skills with others
Pulau Ubin trip
Went with a friend to Pulau Ubin
2nd Island trip besides Pulau Tekong
Spent a day sight seeing,exploring,cycling..
+Some silly things
Got my Provisional Driving Licence
I used to drive at Tekong without licence
Fast and furious
Now i am driving on singapore roads
Slow and steady
Physical Trainings
My body is protesting with aches,pain
Intense Training Programme
Gym,Swim,Run daily
.. I should